Monday, June 25, 2012

tofu quilt by Ching Yeung Russell

This book is written in free verse. I enjoy reading free verse, at times I think I read free verse to quickly but that is also the reason why I like reading free verse. Make sense? 
Tofu Quilt is what I would call a multicultural book. It is a book written about experiences in Hong Kong and China.  As I read the book I could see some of the same experiences I had reflected in the poems. I grew up in a small New Jersey town but still had the same kinds of experiences as the author had in her town, especially the school experiences.

From Tofu Quilt:

my books

My friends often tease me,
because I spend all my money
on books
nothing else.
They say,
"After you read them,
they are useless and will be covered with dust!'

I make covers for all the books I own,
fearing I will mess them up while I am reading them.
My friends ask," Why do you do it?
They're just books." 

But my friends don't know
my books are my world,
my best companions.
their stories make me cry,
make me laugh,
make me wonder,
and dream
that someday Iwill
read my own book.

This entry in Tofu Quilt speaks to me about  why I enjoy reading.

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