Tuesday, July 20, 2010

All of the Above written by Shelley Pearsal

I was attending a conference last week when this book was talked about. I really didn't know anything about the book so I was pleased to know it was a book about a math class trying to get into the Guinness world book of records. You need to read the book to find out if the class made in into the book. Its the beginning of school and already the math teacher is feeling the frustrations of teaching math. But he comes up with an idea to have a contest.Looking at the cover you might be able to guess what the contest object was but really the book isn't about the contest without the weaving of the students lives within the contest. Read the story, what college word would you use to describe the students attitude.

This book is a 3 tissue book or more. I felt the lives of the students, the good the bad and the ups and downs. It is a quick read, the lives of the kids in the book pushes you further and further into the story. Then all of a sudden the back cover is all that is left.

This is a Virginia Readers Choice book, enjoy it, I did and I am not a math wiz.

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