Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Last Book in the Universe written by Rodman Philbrick

I read the story,"The Last Book in the Universe" by Rodman Philbrick. It takes place over two-hundred years in the future after "the shake", an earthquake or volcanic eruption that leaks toxic waste on Earth and destroys everything. Society is rebuilt and there are two kinds of people: the "normals", which are the poorer, lower class, and the "proovs", which are the upper class that have been genetically engineered to be perfect. The proovs live in Eden, a perfect society surrounded by a circular zone of poverty. The normals live in latches in the zone of poverty. Spaz, one of the normals, is on his way to steal from another normal named Ryter. Spaz is a young boy that suffers from epilepsy and is sent away from his family because his father is afraid that Spaz's condition will harm his little sister, Bean. Ryter is very poor, old and thin with white hair, a long beard and shiny eyes and he spends his time writing. When Spaz learns that Bean is dying, he goes to visit her and Ryter offers to go with him to protect him on the dangerous journey since they eventually become friends. Along the way, Spaz and Ryter meet a beautiful proov named Layana who helps them complete the journey to reach Bean, and Layana offers to take Bean to Eden to try to cure her. Layana is able to help save Bean, but Spaz, Bean, and Ryter are forced to leave Eden because it is against the rules for normals to go to Eden. This is a great book because it is suspenseful. It is an awesome adventure that I can imagine being part of. Another reason I like the book is because it is interesting to imagine how different our society could be in the future. I recommend this book to people who like adventurous and suspenseful books.

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