Saturday, May 7, 2011

Scumble written by Ingrid Law

Things start to come apart for Ledger Kale on his thirteenth birthday. Literally. In Ledger's family, kids get a savvy, a special power, on their thirteenth birthday. Ledger had been hoping for super speed, but savvies don't work that way. They're unpredictable. And Ledger's savvy seems to be the power to destroy man-made objects. After he demolishes his uncle's barn at his cousin's wedding, Ledger's parents decide it'll be best for him to spend the summer at his uncle's ranch in Wyoming learning to scumble his savvy. But Ledger's afraid he'll never be able to control his new power. To make matters worse, Sarah Jane, a girl from the nearby town of Sundance, keeps following him everywhere, determined to uncover the secret of his strange family. What will happen if the world finds out about their savvies?

Ledger Kale is the most recent thirteen year old of the Beaumont clan. With high hopes that his "savvy" would give him a super wondrous athletic quality Ledger anticipates his birthday to be spectacular. Unfortunately his high hopes are diminished when his savvy is a sad ability to destroy everything technological. While he deals with his inner fears of disappointing his father, who wants him to be an award winning athlete, along with his concerns of destroying all the belongings his family treasures, and protecting the family secrets from the outside world, he tries to overcome his "savvy" by learning to “scumble” it.

After hopelessly failing he is left at the ranch for the summer in order to perfect his keep-it-together control of his savvy. In that time an adventure unfolds that is entertaining, enduring, and comical. This is a story about following your own dreams, being all that you can be, and learning to love the family you were given.

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