Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Digital Fortress written by Dan Brown

"without wax" that is the secret code David keeps from his soon to be wife, Susan Fletcher. The code is for her to solve, break the codes is her business, what does 'without wax' mean, is it a code for something else?

NSA is being held hostage by a code so complex that if released it would cripple US intelligence. Transltr is the NSA's 'invincible' code breaking machine. It encounters a mysterious code, it cannot break, the agency calls in its head cryptographer, Susan Fletcher. Is the code a virus or a worm? What is the prime number, can it be the key code to stop the virus or worm?

P. 521 Renaissance, Spanish sculptors who made mistakes while carving marble often patched their flaws with cera- "wax". Now how does knowing that bit of information solve the code???

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